Luscher Farm Park Needs Our Voice
Our vision and mission are informed by the Luscher Area Master Plan (LAMP), which was commissioned and adopted by the Lake Oswego City Council in 2013. In the 10 years since, LAMP recommendations and initiatives have been studied and clarified, and several were prioritized by community members for funding from the 2019 Parks Bond. And yet today, important LAMP recommendations remain on the drawing board, unfunded.
True, there were—and still are—complications of governance and zoning; and—because the 2019 Parks Bond funds have been expended elsewhere—funding. But now there are efforts underway that could pave the way for progress.
In 2024, Lake Oswego will apply to request that Clackamas County adopt the LAMP, which would bring current uses at the Park into compliance and allow key LAMP initiatives to be implemented. Key among them is a new vehicular access and parking and the expansion of agricultural programs. Safe access and sufficient parking are essential and open the way for ag expansion and other projects.
However, funding remains at issue. While City Council approved a plan in July 2024 to direct $1MM of the City’s $2.7MM Metro Local Share funds to cover project design, funding for implement has not yet been identified. The next City funding opportunity will be in 2025 when Lake Oswego develops its biennial budget.
The original Luscher farmhouse driveway remains the only public access to Luscher Farm Park.
The 2021 Luscher Area Task Force Report proposes a new entrance and parking area.