A sampling of programs and projects we’re working on…
Harvest Helpers Program
Ongoing. FOLF volunteers initiated this program in 2023 to help increase produce donations from Luscher gardens to Lake Oswego food assistance organizations. In 2023, our team delivered more than 1,500 pounds of fresh fruits & veggies to Hunger Fighters Oregon. In 2024, we doubled that to more than 3,200 pounds. Go to Harvest Helpers webpage.
Walks & Talks Program
Ongoing. A series of small learning events (Talks) and tours (Walks) focused on urban agriculture, environmental education, and the Luscher Area’s history and natural resources. To learn more view our Walks & Talks webpage.
“Woodsy Hideaway” Project
2025. FOLF volunteers will help restore this 300 sq ft natural area on the Farm to be used for summer youth camps & classes. To learn more view our Special Projects webpage.
Harvest Scarecrow Project
Ongoing. In 2023, FOLF volunteers assumed responsibility for ‘glamming’ installing the much-loved Luscher Farm Harvest Scarecrows. Delighting visitors since 2009, the Luscher “Crows” were inspired by then Farm Coordinator Karen Davis and volunteer Nancy Sergeant who enlisted her friends from the Oswego Garden Club. Nancy’s team wowed us each year with new themes & styles until it was paused for the pandemic. View Photo Show. View articles: Oregonian Oct 2012; LO Review Aug 2013.
Children’s Garden Greenhouse
2022. FOLF raised funds to purchase and install a new 20 x 20 ft greenhouse to better serve several of Luscher Farm’s most important programs…
Adopt-A-Plot Program (35+ participants annually). The new greenhouse enables us to grow starts from seed for the volunteer gardeners whose vegetable & herb plots are used to teach children in Summer Camps about growing and harvesting food, and whose harvested produce for donation to Lake Oswego’s food assistance programs (Hunger Fighters and Lake Oswego Meals on Wheels).
Children’s Educational Programs (500+ participants annually). The new greenhouse is large enough to accommodate small groups of children learning greenhouses and the important role they can play in growing plants and flowers.
Community Gardens Program (200+ participants annually). The new greenhouse also opens opportunities for demonstrations and small classes where Community Gardeners can learn new/best practices, techniques and approaches for gardening success.
Produce Wash Station
2021. FOLF raised funds to create a wash station on the eastern side of the Luscher Barn for use by 47th Avenue Farm’s crew. 47th Ave Farm is a sustainable local farm business that partners with Lake Oswego Parks & Recreation to provide a pioneering Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) membership program designed to help keep your family meals perfectly in tune with the seasons. Starting in mid-May, Luscher Farm CSA members pick up their weekly bountiful basket of fresh, delicious grown-at-the farm produce Thursday evenings between 5 and 7 p.m. at Luscher Farm.
Visit 47th Ave Farm to learn more. To purchase your CSA share, use the Lake Oswego Parks & Recreation portal Luscher CSA or call 503-675-2549 to purchase by phone.